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Why are antidepressants so overprescribed? And what to do about it? - HealthSense
Withdrawal symptoms are most likely to occur when medications are stopped abruptly, after prolonged use, and at higher doses. Withdrawal can be very unpleasant and scary, causing lethargy, sadness, anxiety, irritability, trouble concentrating, sleep problems, nightmares, ’flu symptoms, nausea, dizziness, and strange sensations. They can also go on for a long time. Twenty-five per cent of users are still experiencing some symptoms after 3 months, and for some withdrawal can last 6 months.(4) Withdrawal occurs when doctors fail to deprescribe slowly enough or patients stop on their own. Partly because of the widespread misconception that antidepressants don't cause withdrawal, patients and doctors routinely misinterpret the symptoms as relapse – triggering what is often unneeded long term treatment.
More than half of people using cannabis for pain experience multiple withdrawal symptoms: Minority experience worsening of symptoms over time, especially younger people -- ScienceDaily
In addition to a general craving to use cannabis, withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, restlessness, depressed mood, aggression, irritability, nausea, sweating, headache, stomach pain, strange dreams, increased anger and shakiness.
Previous research has shown that the more symptoms and greater severity of symptoms a person has, the less likely they are to be able to reduce their use of cannabis, quit using it or stay away from it once they quit.
They may mistakenly think that the symptoms happen because of their underlying medical conditions, and may even increase the amount or frequency of their cannabis use to try to counteract the effect -- leading to a cycle of increasing use and increasing withdrawal.
How many of 1829 antidepressant users report withdrawal effects or addiction? - PubMed - NCBI
A total of 1829 New Zealanders who had been prescribed antidepressants completed an online survey; 44% had been taking antidepressants for more than 3 years and were still taking them. Withdrawal effects when stopping medication were reported by 55%, and addiction by 27%. Paroxetine had particularly high rates of withdrawal symptoms.
Pot withdrawal eased for dependent users | YaleNews
Withdrawal symptoms are marked by craving for marijuana, irritability, anger, depression, insomnia, and decrease in appetite and weight. In 2015, about 4 million people in the United States met the diagnostic criteria for a cannabis use disorder, and almost 150,000 voluntarily sought treatment for their cannabis use.
According to recent national data, approximately one-third of all current cannabis users meet diagnostic criteria for CUD.
Department of Health | The amphetamine withdrawal syndrome
Animal and human studies have confirmed that the methamphetamine withdrawal syndrome may be protracted (the mood disturbance may last up to a year in some cases) and tends to be more severe than cocaine withdrawal (see Cho & Melega, 2002 for a thorough review; Davidson et al., 2001; Volkow, Chang, Wang, Fowler, Franceschi et al., 2001). Similarly, there is some evidence to suggest that individuals who have experienced a methamphetamine-related psychosis are at risk of further psychotic episodes, even in the absence of further psychostimulant use (Yui, Ikemoto, Ishiguro & Goto, 2000).