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5 Things I Learned By Tracking (Nearly) Every Waking Hour
much of what I did didn’t need to be done in the first place, or could be done more efficiently by someone else.No software runs as fast as "no code."
the fastest way to get something done — whether it is having a computer read a line of code or crossing a task off your to-do list — is to eliminate that task entirely. There is no faster way to do something than not doing it at all. That’s not a reason to be lazy, but rather a suggestion to force yourself to make hard decisions and delete any task that does not lead you toward your mission, your values, and your goals. Too often, we use productivity, time management, and optimization as an excuse to avoid the really difficult question: “Do I actually need to be doing this?”
First, break those bigger projects into their component parts, as an app like Everest might help us do. Second, take a moment to figure out what our high-priority tasks within those bigger tasks are--are make sure those are bite-size enough to get them done today. Third, shamelessly push those tougher tasks down our calendar.
"The people who do manage themselves have three, four, five tasks per day, and they actually get it done," Perchik, the Any.DO founder, says. "People who distribute their tasks across today, tomorrow, and Sunday, are the people that are doing a good job and will most likely become active (users) for a long period of time."