Recent quotes:

Proposed Cuts to SSI Would Hurt Disabled Children and Their Families | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

SSI provides monthly benefits to low-income seniors and disabled people, including children; it is the only federal income support targeted to families caring for children with disabilities and reaches only the lowest-income and most severely impaired children, who tend to need the most significant support. These children have conditions such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, intellectual disability, and blindness. About 1 million households with disabled children receive SSI benefits averaging about $800 a month.

Bessent Says Housing Will ‘Unfreeze’ in Weeks, Sees 2% Inflation - Bloomberg

“The housing market is stuck now, but I would expect that the housing market, sometime in the next few weeks, is going to unfreeze,” Bessent said.

Trump Blasts USA as 'Bloated and Fat and Disgusting'

“This country has gotten bloated, fat, disgusting, and incompetently run,” Trump added, before insulting Biden. “I think we had the worst president in the history of our country. He just left office. I think he’s a disgrace what he’s done to our country by allowing millions of people to come into our country like that and all of the other things he inflation, which he caused because of energy and stupid spending to spend hundreds of millions, trillions and trillions of dollars on the green new scam, a total scam.”

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow - POLITICO Magazine

According to The Art of the Deal, Trump toured “a half dozen potential sites for a hotel, including several near Red Square.” “I was impressed with the ambition of Soviet officials to make a deal,” he writes. He also visited Leningrad, later St. Petersburg. A photo shows Donald and Ivana standing in Palace Square—he in a suit, she in a red polka dot blouse with a string of pearls. Behind them are the Winter Palace and the state Hermitage museum.

Donald Trump was recruited by KGB with codename 'Krasnov', claims ex-Soviet spy - Mirror Online

A former Soviet intelligence officer has claimed Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 and given the codename “Krasnov”. The bombshell allegation was made by Alnur Mussayev, a former Kazakh intelligence chief, in a Facebook post. The 71-year-old, who previously headed Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee, said he had served in the 6th Directorate of the KGB in Moscow, which was responsible for counter-intelligence support within the economy.

Opinion | How Trump Could Get Us Into a Debt Crisis - The New York Times

Imagine if Mr. Trump threatens to withhold debt payments to China, prompting the Chinese to sell their nearly $1 trillion portfolio of U.S. debt. The sell-off would be likely to make financial markets jittery. But would it end there? Would other foreign investors, who together hold nearly a third of outstanding Treasuries, worry they might be next? Political blunders have always been the more concerning potential trigger for an American fiscal crisis. We are not discounting the economic costs of carrying a nearly $2 trillion deficit, one that is likely to increase over time. Rising federal borrowing competes with private-sector investments for people’s savings. To entice investors to lend increasing amounts to the federal government, Treasury rates have to rise. That pushes up interest rates across the economy, which means businesses have to pay higher rates when they borrow. As a result, there is less private investment and ultimately less wealth for future generations. Those effects are unfavorable, but slow and predictable. The political threat is more acute and builds on years of dysfunction in how the government manages the country’s finances.

NIH’s funding cut plan poses challenges for researchers despite court halt

“If the on­ly way to get re­im­bursed for this mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar equip­ment is to on­ly let one grant use it at a time, so that they can charge it as di­rect, that may be some­thing that we start to see,” he said. Re­gard­less of the out­come in court, Pe­tel said “peo­ple are go­ing to be more hes­i­tant to spend the time and ef­fort in putting to­geth­er grant ap­pli­ca­tions.” “It’s a lot of work, a lot of time, a lot of mon­ey to even ap­ply for these grants, and they go through months and months of scruti­ny and back and forth,” he said.

The Golden Goose - by Rajiv Sethi - Imperfect Information

It’s important to understand that the NIH announcement is just the opening salvo in an all-out assault on universities that has yet to begin in earnest. Other initiatives currently being contemplated include the leveraging of the accreditation process to force major changes to the curriculum, the filing of federal civil rights cases, and the taxation and partial confiscation of endowments. We may also see selective denials of visas for foreign students and the targeted freezing of federal grants and contracts. The sitting Vice President has described American universities as the enemy.

Trump’s Death Penalty Order Is a Message to the Supreme Court - Bloomberg

Reliance on precedent provides fair notice of the law and predictability, allowing government officials and public members to conduct their affairs according to the law. Cases should be overturned only where one or more of the following conditions is met: (1) a new understanding of facts and law; (2) the prior ruling has been unworkable in practice; (3) the law has developed in ways inconsistent with the prior ruling; or (4) society has not come to rely on the precedent in the conduct of its affairs. The court of Chief Justice John Roberts has already overturned precedent in cases involving abortion, gun rights and affirmative action, despite failing to satisfy these four criteria. Trump is now pushing for the justices to do the same on the death penalty, which risks further eroding public trust in the Supreme Court’s impartiality.

Melania's (CParty) parents bought her sister an apartment in Ljubljana in 1984

Knauss left home to go to the Secondary School for Design and Photography in the Capitol city of Ljubljana at 15, living alone in an apartment their parents bought for her.

Niall Ferguson: I was wrong to call Donald Trump a would-be tyrant

How can he be sure Trump won’t now try to be a tyrant? “I’m convinced that whatever impulses he has or has had in the past, the system can contain them as it was designed to,” he says. “I also think that the American electorate was collectively smarter than I was in seeing that January 6 was not quite the earth-shattering event that was presented [on television]. My assumption in January 2021 was that it was a career-ending mistake by Trump. And I was wrong about that.”

A Letter To Elon Musk - by Francis Fukuyama - Persuasion

This is not the case: there are basically the same number of full-time federal employees today as there were back in 1969, about 2.3 million. This is despite the fact that the government now disburses more than five times as many dollars as it did back then. In fact, you can argue that the government is understaffed, due to relentless pressure over the decades to keep headcounts down. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, for example, oversees the spending of $1.4 trillion, or one fifth of the entire federal budget, with a staff of only 6,400 full-time employees. These workers have to check for Medicare fraud, evaluate and certify tens of thousands of health providers, and make sure that payments to tens of millions of Americans are made in a timely manner. If you cut this staff, the amount of fraud and waste in the Medicare system is likely to go up, not down. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, which looks after the millions of refugees entering the country, has a staff of 150. By increasing the staff at the Internal Revenue Service, the government is expected to take in an additional $561 billion over the next decade.

Why Does No One Understand the Real Reason Trump Won? | The New Republic

To much of America, by the way, this is not understood as one side’s view of things. It’s simply “the news.” This is what people—white people, chiefly—watch in about two-thirds of the country. I trust that you’ve seen in your travels, as I have in mine, that in red or even some purple parts of the country, when you walk into a hotel lobby or a hospital waiting room or even a bar, where the TVs ought to be offering us some peace and just showing ESPN, at least one television is tuned to Fox. That’s reach, and that’s power. And then people get in their cars to drive home and listen to an iHeart, right-wing talk radio station. And then they get home and watch their local news and it’s owned by Sinclair, and it, too, has a clear right-wing slant. And then they pick up their local paper, if it still exists, and the oped page features Cal Thomas and Ben Shapiro. Liberals, rich and otherwise, live in a bubble where they never see this stuff. I would beg them to see it. Watch some Fox. Listen to some Christian radio. Experience the news that millions of Americans are getting on a daily basis. You’ll pretty quickly come to understand what I’m saying here.

Trump Wins the First Influencer Election

But while both campaigns worked overtime to court influencers, their strategies were divergent. The Harris campaign prioritized shortform clips, investing in quick videos and viral remixes on TikTok and Instagram. The Trump campaign went deep and long, investing heavily in longform YouTube podcasts and building partnerships with livestreamers. Ultimately, the latter proved wildly more successful.  The Trump campaign traveled to meet with various content creators, while Harris sought to make influencers meet on her own turf. When she and Walz filmed an episode of creator Kareem Rahma’s hit series Subway Takes, for instance, which is meant to be shot on a New York City subway, the Harris campaign insisted on filming it on a bus in Pittsburgh. When Harris was invited on Joe Rogan’s podcast, the campaign responded by requesting that Rogan leave his studio in Austin, Texas and travel to them. They also wanted to cut the format to an hourlong interview, rather than his notoriously long discussions that usually last three to four hours. The interview did not happen. The Harris campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

"The Hungarian people must recognize what has been lost in placing these bets to begin with."

On my very first day in Hungary, when I stepped off the airplane from the United States, the government sent an unusually junior official to greet me.  I didn’t notice.  It was an attempted slight that went totally unnoticed by the United States, but speaks volumes about the grandiose smallness of Hungary’s approach to its allies.

"The Hungarian people must recognize what has been lost in placing these bets to begin with."

Prime Minister Orbán treated this election like a card game at a casino.  And he placed a very big bet.  Whether he believes that he won or lost this hand, he was gambling not with money, but with the U.S.-Hungary relationship.  A relationship that has been altered by his gamesmanship.  The damage caused runs deeper than a four-year term of a President, because it is rooted in an impulse to transform something big and lasting, a relationship between Allies – between strong nations – into something smaller and fleeting.    For the past several years, Hungary’s Prime Minister has told his people that seemingly all of their problems would go away when one political party wins one election … in another country.  Were you to believe him, you might think his gamble on American politics was a good bet.  Go all in on one foreign political ally and if he wins, you win big – or so the story goes.  So Prime Minister Orbán chose to take his alliance with the United States of America into a casino – and he let it ride.

October 27, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson

Puerto Rican singer and actor Ricky Martin shared a clip from Hinchcliffe’s set with his 16 million followers. His caption read: “This is what they think of us.” Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, who has 250 million Instagram followers, posted Harris’s plan. Later, singer-songwriter and actress Ariana Grande posted that she had voted for Harris. Grande has 376 million followers on Instagram. Singer Luis Fonsi, who has 16 million followers, also called out the “constant hate.”

October 27, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson

But Trump perhaps gave away the game with his inflammatory language and with an aside, seemingly aimed at House speaker Johnson. “I think with our little secret we are gonna do really well with the House, right? Our little secret is having a big impact, he and I have a secret, we will tell you what it is when the race is over,” Trump said.

Polymarket Whale Traders: How 1% of Bettors Are Boosting Trump’s Odds - Bloomberg

Among this subset of users, 16% of bets can be traced to just 10 whales. On Oct. 17, six of these whales drove 37% of predictions. In one 12-hour window, they placed $5.2 million in bets as Trump’s odds rose about four percentage points.

Trump comes up with new slur against US: ‘We’re the garbage can for the world’

Trump has claimed that immigrants are bringing disease and “destroying the blood of our country” and vowed to deport millions of people in a mass expulsion event he suggested will be a “bloody story.” He’s falsely linked migrants to fentanyl coming into the US, even though the majority of those caught with and prosecuted for trafficking fentanyl across the border are US citizens. Both he and his running mate, Senator JD Vance, helped spread a baseless conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants in Ohio were eating neighborhood pets, a stance that was praised by local neo-Nazis but disavowed by local officials, who said there was no evidence behind the claims.

Military veterans support Trump by wide margin in 2024 election | Pew Research Center

63% of veteran voters identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, while 35% are Democrats or Democratic leaners. As with voters overall, there are demographic differences in veterans’ partisan identification. For example, about seven-in-ten White veterans (72%) identify with or lean toward the GOP. That compares with just 11% of Black veterans, who overwhelmingly identify as or lean Democratic (82%).

Usha Vance Has Helped Her Husband J.D. Vance Chart His Political Path - The New York Times

In 2013, two students at Yale Law School decided to organize a discussion group on the subject of “social decline in white America.” One of them was J.D. Vance, currently the Republican candidate in Ohio for a U.S. Senate seat. For him, the subject matter was intensely personal: He had grown up in an economically depressed area of Ohio, and was raised in large part by his grandparents as his mother struggled with addiction. He had lived the material. The other student behind the project was Usha Chilukuri, the child of Indian immigrants, from an ethnically diverse San Diego suburb. For her, white social decline may have been an intellectual interest — but it was one with special significance. She was then Mr. Vance’s girlfriend, now his wife, known as Usha Vance.

Renewing American Purpose - The American Mind

The Right needs to throw off the precedents and legal paradigms that have wrongly developed over the last two hundred years and to study carefully the words of the Constitution and how the Founders would have responded in modern situations to the encroachments of other branches. Originalism should not just be interpreting the words in their original meaning. It should be to understand the logic of the original Constitution and how these authorities should be used unencumbered by the scar tissue resulting from decades of bad cases and bad statesmen.

Trump's Messianic Video About God Sending Him To Save World

I need somebody who can shape an ax but wield a sword. Who had the courage to step foot in North Korea? Who can make money from the tar of the sand turned liquid to gold? Who understands the difference between tariffs and inflation? We’ll finish this 40 hour week by Tuesday noon, but then put in another 72 hours. So God made Trump.

“You’re Telling Me That Thing Is Forged?”: The Inside Story of How Trump’s “Body Guy” Tried and Failed to Order a Massive Military Withdrawal | Vanity Fair

McEntee’s efforts to root out Trump infidels in the administration were often comically petty, but they came with the force of a presidential mandate. Just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, for example, somebody on McEntee’s staff discovered that a young woman in the office of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson had liked an Instagram post by pop star Taylor Swift that included a photo of Swift holding a tray of cookies decorated with the Biden-Harris campaign logo. The transgression was brought all the way to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who placed a call to Carson’s top aide. The message: We can’t have our people liking the social media posts of a high‑profile Biden supporter like Taylor Swift.

'Trumpism isn't a cult'

How I define it in my class is by two benchmarks. The first is: Cults manage to shift people’s beliefs rapidly away from the broader society and away from the beliefs they had before they joined. The second thing I emphasize is that cult members act against their own interests and their families’ interests quite strikingly. The reason I highlight those two things is that when I’m talking about the psychology of cults, I’m interested in how the cult, and usually the cult leader, is able to have this kind of influence. Typically, the cult leader is benefiting in an exploitative way off of these two things, so many of those strange beliefs are about the leader being very important, often divine, the key to salvation against the apocalypse, etc. And then, more importantly, often the cult members’ labor is making the leader rich, or female cult members are expected to have sex with the leader and all men, besides the leader, have to be celibate. Cult members make extreme sacrifices that benefit the leader.