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What Is Sensory Deprivation And Why Are More Athletes Using It?
Based on the Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (REST), floatation therapy triggers a deep relaxation response that is much deeper than normal sleep which enables the individual to reach the elusive Theta state, which is normally hard to achieve. With the elimination of external stimuli, the central nervous system’s workload is reduced by as much as 90%. During this reduction in stimuli, the body naturally regenerates itself and healing is promoted through the parasympathetic response, which also increases T-cell production and may strengthen the immune system. All of this on top of removing gravity, which allows the muscles and joints to completely release tension – athletes can largely benefit from this type of therapy.
Approximately 1,440 individuals have completed the crossing since Captain Matthew Webb did in 1875. By comparison, more than 4,000 people have climbed Mount Everest so far, including about 650 last year.
Sometime in the next week, weather and wind permitting, I’ll wade into the English Channel outside Dover in a swimsuit, cap and goggles. […] It’s a long way from the South Bend, Indiana, YMCA where I worked my way up the lessons ladder to Flying Fish. I splashed with my siblings in Lake Michigan every summer, though I didn’t like the lake at Notre Dame where minnows nibbled at my toes. […] I’ve swum in the Thames and the Hudson; Lake Zurich; around Cape May on the New Jersey shore; from Alcatraz to San Francisco; in Sicily and Slovenia. Now I’m attempting the channel because I think I can succeed.