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Anti-Pharma Bus Tour; Rapamycin for Longevity? Hospital Forgives Debt After Pressure | MedPage Today

For a group of people trying to slow aging, a small weekly dose of rapamycin is part of their strategy. They use the drug off-label or purchase it from overseas. People interviewed by the Times said the drug brought mild health benefits, like weight loss, improved gum health, and fewer aches and pains. "Longevity influencers" often cite a 2014 article in Aging Cell opens in a new tab or window as evidence that rapamycin can extend life -- in mice -- by 20%. There's also been research assessing the anti-aging potential of rapamycin in yeast, worms, flies, and marmosets, which saw a 10% increase in lifespan, and a few looking at people, which had inconclusive results or aren't peer-reviewed yet. Scientists suspect any anti-aging benefits occur because rapamycin inhibits the mTOR complex, which may decrease inflammation and ramp up autophagy.