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Post-Luigi, the "Extremist" Threat is You

If you’re wondering why this sounds so different from the hysteria that’s played out in the media, intelligence reports like the NYPD one we published above are a big part of the reason why. Not only do these reports stoke fear and inflate threats, but the furtive way in which they’re circulated shields them from public scrutiny. The deal the media makes with their law enforcement sources not to publish documents in full results in big, splashy headlines and pull quotes focusing on the most sensational passages but devoid of any context. The victims of these distorted narratives aren’t just ordinary people, but corporations as well, many of which enjoy privileged access (just like the media) to these government intelligence reports. The NYPD’s intelligence bureau is just one node in a web of around 70 state-level “fusion centers” surging these kind of threat reports to companies. Presumably the companies just think they’re being responsible by signing up for the reports. In reality they’re being subtly indoctrinated into the national security state’s way of seeing things. When this apparatus of fusion centers emerged in the wake of 9/11, the warnings pertained to al Qaeda. But as the global war on terror draws down, the supposed bad guy is increasingly the American people, on both the “far-right” and “far-left” (who decides what counts as “far”?), from MAGA to anti-corporate “extremists” online.