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Encompassing view of spatial and single-cell RNA sequencing renews the role of the microvasculature in human atherosclerosis | Nature Cardiovascular Research

Atherosclerosis is a pervasive contributor to ischemic heart disease and stroke. Despite the advance of lipid-lowering therapies and anti-hypertensive agents, the residual risk of an atherosclerotic event remains high, and developing therapeutic strategies has proven challenging. This is due to the complexity of atherosclerosis with a spatial interplay of multiple cell types within the vascular wall. In this study, we generated an integrative high-resolution map of human atherosclerotic plaques combining single-cell RNA sequencing from multiple studies and spatial transcriptomics data from 12 human specimens with different stages of atherosclerosis. Here we show cell-type-specific and atherosclerosis-specific expression changes and spatially constrained alterations in cell–cell communication. We highlight the possible recruitment of lymphocytes via ACKR1 endothelial cells of the vasa vasorum, the migration of vascular smooth muscle cells toward the lumen by transforming into fibromyocytes and cell–cell communication in the plaque region, indicating an intricate cellular interplay within the adventitia and the subendothelial space in human atherosclerosis.

Eating Meat Is Linked With Type 2 Diabetes, New Studies Suggest - The New York Times

Those with the highest heme iron consumption — mainly coming from eight to 10 servings of unprocessed red meat per week — were 26 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those with the lowest consumption. They also had higher lipid levels, markers of insulin resistance and inflammation, and other compounds linked with Type 2 diabetes in their blood, the study revealed.