Recent quotes:

He Gave a Name to What Many Christians Feel - The New York Times

On the Christian right, then, a thesis is emerging: If conservative Christians are no longer a “moral majority” but a moral minority, they must shift tactics. They ought to be less concerned with persuading the rest of the country they are relevant and can fit perfectly well in secular spaces. They don’t. Instead, they must consider abandoning mainstream institutions like public schools and build their own alternatives. They must pursue ownership of businesses and real estate. And they must stop triangulating away from difficult teachings on matters like sexuality and gender differences. Resilience over relevance. “Like the Hebrews crossing the Jordan after 40 years in the desert, evangelicals have entered unfamiliar territory,” Mr. Renn writes in his book, issued by a major evangelical publisher in 2024. “Finding a path in this fundamentally unknown world will require a different approach from the strategies of the past.”

Renewing American Purpose - The American Mind

The Right needs to throw off the precedents and legal paradigms that have wrongly developed over the last two hundred years and to study carefully the words of the Constitution and how the Founders would have responded in modern situations to the encroachments of other branches. Originalism should not just be interpreting the words in their original meaning. It should be to understand the logic of the original Constitution and how these authorities should be used unencumbered by the scar tissue resulting from decades of bad cases and bad statesmen.