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You Can Still Get Tickets to Burning Man - Bloomberg

This is speculation, but I do think it's possible that yeah, Burning Man has become too mainstream and if you see a drop in popularity, it might be reflecting that. It might be reflecting people feeling like this thing that used to feel like an unusual or sort of like counter-cultural thing to do is just kind of normal now. Um, I wonder if it's just a victim of its own popularity and that, like, as with many things, it starts off as this, like, weird side thing to do and then, like, just, the more popular it is, the less it is that and, you know, what once was a signal about Eric Schmidt versus other CEO candidates, now it's kind of like I think, you know, at your most cynical, you could say that if you're in Silicon Valley, going to Burning Man is a good way to network. Like that is a very different scenario than it was, you know, 10 or 15 years ago.