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Parkinson's Disease Risk Tied to Sleep Apnea | MedPage Today
Of veterans with sleep apnea, 9.9% had documented use of a CPAP machine. Those who started CPAP early -- within 2 years of OSA onset -- had 2.3 fewer cases of Parkinson's per 1,000 (P<0.001) compared with those who did not use CPAP, the researchers reported in an abstract released ahead of the American Academy of Neurology
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annual meeting.
Those who started CPAP later than 2 years after OSA onset had a similar risk of Parkinson's disease as those who did not use CPAP at all.
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Three Doses of Sulthiame in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea. A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled, Dose-ranging Study (STM-042/K) | B14. LATE BREAKING ABSTRACTS: SCIENCE THAT WILL IMPACT CLINICAL CARE
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Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Three Doses of Sulthiame in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea. A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled, Dose-ranging Study (STM-042/K)
Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise in Reducing Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms
Patients who took the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor experienced fewer breathing interruptions during sleep and improved oxygen levels. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI3a), which tracks the frequency of respiratory pauses, decreased by 17.8% in those on the lowest dose (100 mg), 34.8% on the medium dose (200 mg), and 39.9% on the highest dose (300 mg). When using the AHI4 measure for when oxygen levels were more severely affected, the reduction in respiratory pauses was nearly 50%. Patients also reported feeling less daytime sleepiness while on the medication.
These findings are based on a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial presented at the ERS Congress by Jan Hedner, MD, PhD, professor of respiratory medicine at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and lead author of the study.2
Acetazolamide: Old drug, new evidence? - PMC
Epilepsy is associated with increased brain inflammatory cytokines, and seizures induce these increases. These, in turn, activate nuclear transcription of NF‐kB, complement and chemokines, which result in inflammation in the brain. Brain inflammation is proconvulsive, and some purport that antiepileptic drugs may have a role as an anti‐inflammatory effect. During neuronal injury, ASICs are activated, and these activate inflammasomes leading to neuronal injury and blockage of ASICs will reduce this injury. 41 Acetazolamide decreases the levels of inflammatory cytokines IL‐6, TNF alpha and IL‐1beta in rat models of epilepsy. Acetazolamide also reduces inflammation by reducing cytokine expression, further contributing to its antiepileptic effect. 41 , 42
Urgent Need to Improve PAP Management: The Devil Is in Two (Fixable) Details
Several high-profile, large prospective sleep apnea therapy trials have failed to meet expected outcomes: Apnea Positive Pressure Long-term Efficacy Study (APPLES) (cognition),1 the Treatment of Predominant Central Sleep Apnoea by Adaptive Servo Ventilation in Patients With Heart Failure (SERVE-HF) trial (heart failure),2 the Canadian Positive Airway Pressure Trial (CANPAP), the Sleep Apnea cardioVascular Endpoints (SAVE) study (general cardiovascular),3 and the Heart Bio-marker Evaluation in Apnea Treatment (HeartBEAT) (metabolic/hemodynamic).4 Each theoretically had the power to positively influence practice, but instead have cast doubt on the staple of our field: positive airway pressure. Struggling to navigate these findings, experts have invoked explanations ranging from inadequate use, too-short duration of therapy, overwhelming disease pathophysiology, treatment initiated too late in evolution of disease, and unknown pathophysiological constructs.
Central sleep apnoea—a clinical review
Central sleep apnoea—a clinical review
Effect of added dead space on sleep disordered breathing at high altitude. - PubMed - NCBI
Baseline data revealed two clearly distinct groups: one with severe sleep disordered breathing (n=5, AHI>30) and the other with moderate to no disordered breathing (n=7, AHI<30). DS markedly improved breathing in the first group (baseline vs DS): apnea hypopnea index (AHI) 70.3 ± 25.8 vs 29.4 ± 6.9 (p=0.013), oxygen desaturation index (ODI): 72.9 ± 24.1/h vs 42.5 ± 14.4 (p=0.031), whereas it had no significant effect in the second group or in the total population. Respiratory events were almost exclusively central apnea or hypopnea. Microarousal index, sleep efficiency, and sleep architecture remained unchanged with DS. A minor increase in mean PtcCO(2) (n=3) was observed with DS.
Effects of inhaled CO2 and added dead space on idiopathic central sleep apnea | Journal of Applied Physiology
In summary, we have demonstrated that an abrupt reduction inFET
immediately precedes the onset of the central apneas in patients with ICSAS. Furthermore, we have shown for the first time that inhalation of a CO2-enriched gas or addition of dead space eliminates central apneas and hypopneas in these patients in association with an increase inFET
and Ptc
and a dampening of breath-to-breath oscillations ofFET
. These findings provide compelling evidence that the mechanism for initiation of central hypopneas and apneas in ICSAS is a reduction inPa
toward or below the apneic threshold, respectively. Our data further indicate that the mechanism for abolition of these events by CO2 inhalation and addition of dead space is by increasing and stabilizingPa
above the apneic threshold. Taken together, these findings indicate that ICSAS is a disorder of respiratory control system instability that isPa
dependent. Although the purpose of this study was not to test the clinical effects of increasingPa
, our findings that CO2 inhalation and addition of dead space eliminate central apneas and hypopneas point to their potential as treatments for this disorder. More studies over longer time periods will be required to test the therapeutic potential of these approaches.
Treatment Benefits of the remedē® System Sustained Through 36 Months in Patients with Central Sleep Apnea | Respicardia
The latest results build upon prior published data in The Lancet and the American Journal of Cardiology which demonstrated that the remedē System significantly reduces the severity of CSA and improves sleep, quality of life and patient satisfaction,3 and the benefits are sustained.4
Sleep Apnea: Oral appliance could help you (and your partner) sleep better -- ScienceDaily
The Department of Orthodontics at Hiroshima University Hospital developed an oral appliance to help patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. This appliance brings the jawbone forward to enlarge the air passageways at the back of their mouth. Each appliance is custom made for each patient and allows jaw movement, so it doesn't affect patient's teeth or change the shape of their face.
"This is like when you have to use glasses, you have to wear them every time you want to see properly so [patients] have to wear this appliance every time [they] want to sleep better." according to Dr. Ueda.