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Lunchtime Must-Read: Florence Jaumotte and Carolina Osorio Buitron: Power from the People - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Florence Jaumotte and Carolina Osorio Buitron: Power from the People: “While causality is difficult to establish, the decline in unionization appears to be a key contributor to the rise of top income shares… …This finding holds even after accounting for shifts in political power, changes in social norms regarding inequality, sectoral employment shifts (such as deindustrialization and the growing role of the financial sector), and increases in education levels. The relationship between union density and the Gini of gross income is also negative but somewhat weaker. This could be because the Gini underestimates increases in inequality at the top of the income distribution. We also find that deunionization is associated with less redistribution of income and that reductions in minimum wages increase overall inequality considerably…

Evening Must-Read: Nick Bunker: The Steep Path Forward for Unionization - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Increased unionization in the United States would almost certainly reduce wage and income inequality. But the pathway to a higher rate is steep.