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Nighttime Must-Read: Mark Warshawsky and Ross Marchand: Why Use Years-Old Data to Attack Social Security Disability? - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

This looks very bad for Mark Warshawsky and Ross Marchand: using outdated data that misrepresents the current situation is really not something you want to gain a reputation for doing. I’m interested if there is an alternative explanation they would not tell Hiltzik: Michael Hiltzik: Why did the WSJ use years-old data to attack Social Security disability?: “Mark J. Warshawsky… and Ross A. Marchand…. Warshawsky declined to answer my questions about the piece on the record… …but referred me to a lengthier treatment he published in Bloomberg’s Pension & Benefits Daily in 2012. First question: Why did Warshawsky and Marchand use case figures from 2008?… Social Security’s own inspector general’s office… found… that the average approval rate has been coming down for years–reaching 56% in fiscal 2013…