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Morning Must-Watch: Jared Bernstein: Our Full Employment Event… The Video! - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Watch it here, where ‘it’ is the event CBPP ran yesterday for our full employment project… …Ben Bernanke–now a fellow blogger(!)–gave a great keynote speech wherein he made a connection that I view as very important: adding an international dimension to the secular stagnation discussion. After Ben B speaks, there’s a panel where Valerie Wilson, Andy Levin, and Maurice Emsellem all present important papers, which you can find here. Read them now! As OTE’ers will note, I’ve often stressed the drag on growth from our persistent and sizable US trade deficits. And, importantly, as Bernanke pointed out in his earlier work, these deficits are not the result of profligate American over-consuming, but the outcome of excess savings in trade surplus countries who buy dollar reserves to gain a price advantage in export markets.

Afternoon Must-Read: Jared Bernstein: The U.K. vs. the U.S. Minimum-Wage Debate - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

U.K. policymakers have of course shown themselves capable of making bad economic moves based more on ideology than fact…. But at least regarding the minimum wage, policy there has in no small part been driven by facts, compromise, collaboration and acknowledgement that in the face of those facts, a formerly held position was wrong. Why, oh why, does that sound so incredibly out of reach in today’s American politics?

Evening Must-Read: Jared Bernstein: A Few Quick Fed Points - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Jared Bernstein: A Few Quick Fed Points: “1) The sharply stronger dollar… …pushes against Fed tightening….