Recent quotes:

Lunchtime Must-Read: Boris Nemtsov: A Final Interview - Washington Center for Equitable Growth

“I have no doubt that the struggle for the revival of Russians will be tough… …People see what this crazy politics led to, they see widespread corruption, they have firsthand experience with the inadequacy of the state. But they still believe in the leader because for the past several years, the leader was doing one thing very well: He was brainwashing the Russians. He implanted them with a virus of inferiority complex towards the West, the belief that the only thing we can do to amaze the world is use force, violence and aggression

Putin? Winning? Winning What?: Live from Potemkin's Villages (Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality...)

Putin's Muscovy is potentially dangerous because it is a declining power whose rulers may well fear that they will be, relatively, even weaker in a decade than they are today. It should thus be treated with caution and respect. And helping the neighbors of Putin's Muscovy guard themselves against trouble coming from it is something the western alliance needs to do. And trying to lay the foundations so that when the people of Putin's Muscovy finally start to properly renovate their room in the common European home should be a very high priority--as I have often said, the people of western Europe, North America, and indeed the entire world owe a profound debt to the soldiers of the Red Army, the peasants who starved themselves to feed them, and the workers of Magnitogorsk who armed them with the tanks that played the decisive role in the overthrow of Adolf Hitler's German Naziism. And not even the interest on that debt has ever been paid. But Putin: "winning"? Winning what? Winning how?