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American culture rules the world -

US film and television exports earned $16.2 billion in 2012. By comparison, British film and television exports, riding a wave of popularity, were $1.2 billion. Having invented personal computing, the US is the primary shaper of the fast-growing market for video and computer games. It is hard to find comparable export figures to those of film and television in this area of the cultural industries because of the globalised nature of production of both games and machines to play them on. But clearly America is the primary influence on these products. “Through culture, education and diplomatic outreach programmes, the US still influences ‘the street’ globally” An example: Grand Theft Auto is one of the world’s most popular video games. It was developed in Edinburgh, but it is played in fictional cities that are recognisably American. Why? Not just because the American market is huge, but because “American” is a global visual language. Another example: the multi-platform sensation Transformers. Originally a Japanese toy bought, redesigned and rebranded by American firm Hasbro, it is now a multi-billion-dollar film franchise whose latest installment was filmed in China and partially financed by the Chinese.