Recent quotes:

Dude, this party is not happening ! ~ Something like life

I will repeat what I have said earlier, coming decade will be marked by ascendancy of libertarians/liberals in intellectual circle. Yet, is there any attempt to understand nuance of coalition making by "liberals". No, sir ! It is all grandstanding and unbearable smugness.

Faithful, besieged ~ Something like life

And once Pakistan was formed on basis of Islamic identity, its tragic destiny was also decided. For in defining their identity in negation to Hindu identity, Muslim elites had made themselves dependent on their adversary. When the partition eliminated the adversary, the Pakistan intellectuals sought to define themselves either by associating even more strongly with Ummah in a Voldemortian fashion, and at the same time taking a strong adversarial position to India. This is the reason I don't think any reconcilation between India and Pakistan is possible.

Cylindrical Elephants & Spherical Cows ~ Something like life

a dialectical siren song for those chasing intellectual certainty, and the results as predictable, intellectual wreck on treacherous shoals of reality.

Waiting For Baba Ramdev

There is another point, if Baba Ramdev does enter into politics, the event, will without doubt, raise expectations of middle class (excluding the cosmopolitan flotsam, ofcourse), what will happen to them when this experiment fails, as it surely will, like it always has? The disappointed and bitter middle class will sink even more into morass of indifference, fatalism and cynicism, thus making the problem even more intractable.