The night of 23 November, as violence builds in the Egyptian capital, Eltahawy is reported missing. From prison she borrows a phone to tweet: "Beaten arrested in interior ministry" A campaign to free her begins to gather momentum, then on Eltahawy's feed: "I AM FREE" "12 hours with Interior Ministry bastards and military intelligence combined. Can barely type – must go xray arms after CSF pigs beat me" "5 or 6 surrounded me, groped and prodded my breasts, grabbed my genital area and I lost count how many hands tried to get into my trousers" "@Sarahngb is coming to kindly take me to the hospital. Besides beating me, the dogs of CSF subjected me to the worst sexual assault ever" "Didn't want to go with military intelligence but one MP said either come politely or not. Those guys didn't beat or assault me" "Instead, blindfolded me for 2 hrs, after keeping me waiting for 3. At 1st answered Qs bec passport wasn't w me but then refused as civilian" And then... "The whole time I was thinking about article I would write; just you fuckers wait" -